It can really seem daunting starting something new. You’re kind of jumping off a cliff into the unknown in a sense, but before you jump off the cliff you might be engulfed with self doubt. Oh man, can self doubt be the worst. Seriously, the absolute worst. Right up there next to imposter syndrome, that’s for sure. Before I even started my website I was comparing myself to others doing relatively the same thing. I keep thinking, why am I doing this? What can I offer that they’re not offering already? They’re doing a great job so…

why would anyone want to follow me?

why would anyone purchase my product?

why would anyone hire me?

These are questions I’m sure you’ve asked yourself once or twice. They’re questions that keep you from doing things time and time again or at least stall you for a bit. I want to let you in on a little secret…

you are uniquely you and have a story to tell!

I know this might sound cheesy.. Trust me I do. I always rolled my eyes when someone would say that to me. Pshhh “okay yeah I’m uniquely me.. whatever!” But y’all. It’s the damn truth. Your story is different from everyone else’s and so is your perspective. Once I started to really understand this, I started growing. I started growing on social media, but most importantly I started growing internally and understanding how I could truly impact others and help them grow too.

I was listening to the podcast “How I Built This” which is all about entrepreneurs and how they started their companies. It really made me think… what if Steve Jobs never kept going after being told he was crazy.. Welp I wouldn’t be writing on my Apple computer right now that’s for sure. What about Sarah Kauss who created S’well water bottles. She was told by everyone and their mother that there were a million other water bottles out there, how could hers be different. Welp.. it’s definitely different and she’s created an incredible company that’s dominating the water bottle industry. I want to encourage you to think about what truly makes you, YOU… and then OWN it. This is what ultimately makes you different. Even if you’re doing something similar to others, they’ll never be just like you and you’ll never be just like them and that’s POWERFUL!

So many of us hesitate or even refuse to do things, because of the fear that someone has already done it before or that we won’t be able to do it as well. Remember, YOU are such a unique individual and bring something different to the table even if someone else has done it before.

A rising tide lifts all ships

I loved this saying because it’s SO true. Let’s life each other up and grow together in our own way! There is room for everyone, you just have to believe in yourself enough to go for it! I sure believe in you!

Love always,

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