Being stuck at home can get boring pretty dang fast BUT it can be a great time to do things you’ve been putting off for a while or do the things you’ve always wanted to do but never had time for.

I’ve compiled a list of things you could do while chilling at home!



Clean your house - Oh my goodness this one is big! Grab that broom, vacuum, and Clorox wipes and get cleaning. I dusted everything in my house the other day and it was so satisfying!

Organize your house - This is huge! Andrew and I have this closet in our house where we just dump everything. Do y’all have a place like that too? It even started to be a joke between us that this closet was our nightmare closet and we always dreaded getting something out it. Welp… we decided to tackle that maybe head on and dang! I found some cool ish in there I forgot I had but was also able to organize everything and finally be able to walk into the closet to grab something rather than fall over things to reach something on a shelf, haha!

Clean out your closet - Now is the time to go through your closet and really see what you’ve been wearing over the years and what has been sitting in your closet untouched. You can make a little money too! Sites like Poshmark and ThredUp are great to sell clothing on. Cleaning out your closet doesn’t mean you have to get rid of things, it can be a great time to put your winter clothing away too and bring our those spring and summer pieces!

Learn a new language - Learning a new language can be so hard but there are amazing resources out there that make learning a new language not only easy, but fun too. I had the wonderful opportunity to learn French not too long ago with Babbel. See my full review here and take advantage of my discount code too. Another great app that’s not as in depth is Duolingo.

Learn a new skill - Now is the freaking time, y’all! There are so many resources you can utilize to learn something new like: YouTube, Skillshare, MasterClass, and LinkedIn Learning. From courses on social media growth, marketing, meditation, calligraphy, cooking, photography, etc.

Clean out your phone - Go through your camera roll, apps, and notes! This can actually be pretty fun too because you never know what old videos you’ll find.

Organize your finances - There are numerous apps or websites you can use to do this like Mint, but I typically stick to an Excel spreadsheet. For me, I have to separate all sorts of bills and receipts so this is the time to do it.

Update your Resume - The job market is definitely a little tough right now so why not update your resume? It never hurts to have an updated resume and cover letter. Be sure to update it on all the job sites as well.

Update your LinkedIn Profile - This one goes with updating your resume too. LinkedIn can be an amazing resource for connecting with like-minded business professionals and really upping your game in the professional world. Be sure to update your LinkedIn profile with your updated job information and skills and then engage with individuals on the platform.

Clean out your subscriptions - When is the last time you actually did this? Is there something you’re continually being charged for that you don’t use anymore? I’m sure there is at least one, right? Go through your emails or bank statements and see what you’re being charged for you may not need.

Clean out your inbox & spam folder - I don’t know about y’all but I have a couple of email addresses that collect a lot of emails that I always just throw to junk. This is a great time to go through your spam folder and clean out your emails.

Unsubscribe from emails - There are tons of companies I’m subscribed to that I definitely do not want to be. Sooo… instead of just deleting them, unsubscribe from those random email lists you’ve been put on.

Listen to a podcast - I LOVE me some podcasts. There are millions of different podcasts to listen to that are extremely helpful, hilarious, insightful, etc. My personal favorites are:

Girls Gotta Eat - is my favorite podcast! Rayna Greenberg and Ashley Hesseltine are hilarious and discuss the ins and outs of dating in the world today, life, and much more!

What We Said - is a podcast intended to inspire and entertain, best friends Jaci Marie & Chelsey Jade talk candidly about health, business, relationships, life, etc. This podcast just makes me happy, to be honest!

Rework - is a podcast about a better way to work and run your business. They tell stories and give unconventional wisdom from Basecamp’s co-founders and other business owners. This podcast is AWESOME for individuals wanting to drink in as much business information as possible.

Her Life By Design - is a podcast that discusses all things influencer marketing, creating a career online, navigating life as an ambitious female and much more. Christina is absolutely amazing and interviews the most interesting individuals in the professional world.

My Favorite Murder - is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark and they are HILARIOUS! If you like true crime, give this a listen.

Read/listen to a book - Picking up a good book can be such a great way to de-stress and go to a different world, in a sense. We always say we want to read a good book but never have the time to do so, welp. Now all we’ve got is time! haha. If you’re not a read a book in my hands kind of person, audible is great because you can just listen to a book.

Leave positive reviews for products or businesses you love - This is such an amazing way to give back to the companies you love during this time. Leaving a positive review can help businesses tremendously! Leaving reviews on Google, Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc. for small business, restaurants, etc. can significantly help, especially during this time.

Create a website - I think it’s so important to have a website! It can be an amazing resource to showcase your talents, whether that be graphic design, photography, social media marketing, web design, a shop for what you create, you name it! There are million different places where you can build websites that aren’t difficult. I think many individuals refrain from creating a website because they’re not a web designer. Welp.. y’all. You don’t have to be! There are numerous site builders that have amazing templates for you to just drop your information into. Once you grow out of those, you can upgrade or transfer your site to more interactive sites that let your edit more of your coding, etc.

Start that business you’ve always wanted to - Are you always talking about the business you want to create when you get the time or opportunity? Well, my friend, why not start now? Stop waiting for it to be the perfect time. Sites like Etsy making starting a business selling something SO easy! I’ve had my Etsy shop for years now and it’s been amazing.

Clean up your Pinterest - Oh lord!! My Pinterest used to be a hot freaking mess and having down time to clean it all up helped me significantly. I have numerous of tips and tricks when it comes to Pinterest and how to utilize it to gain traffic to your website or social media. See them here.

Do all those “little things” - Make a list of all the little things you need to do such as: mail that UPS package, pay your bills, put batteries in your remote, change your lightbulb, etc. Then start crossing them off.


Paint your nails - Having my nails done just makes me happy. While we’re in quarantine, it can be a littleeeee tricky. I always get my nails dipped and it’s been rough not being able to get them done professionally. I took off my dip nails a week ago and found some glue on nails to use in the meantime that are actually pretty great. They’re the Kiss Gel Fantasy False Nails and they come in a ton of colors! If you’re not a glue on nail kind of person, I wrote a blog post with my favorite nail polishes and spring nail designs here.

Workout - Get to moving, girlfriend! Whatever your preference, working out helps you stay happy and healthy! There are tons of online workouts you can do and guess what? I’ve compiled a list of them all here.

Take a walk - Getting out and breathing in some fresh air can help you significantly. Having the sun hit your skin and the wind brush through your hair just makes you happy. When I’m in a mood, I always try to just get outside and walk around the block because I know after I do it, I’ll feel better.

Take a bubble bath - Hop in the bath and just relax. This is one of my FAVORITE things to do. I love the Dr. Teal’s bubble bath because it smells amazing!

Have a spa day - Grab a glass or bottle, I won’t judge, of wine, put on your fuzzy robe and give yourself a spa day. For my at home spa days, I love putting on a clay mask, drawing myself a bath, lighting a candle and putting on a podcast or show on Netflix. Check out my spa day post here to find my favorite products, and items to make your spa day complete!

Whiten your teeth - I feel like everyone always talks about how it takes a long time to whiten your teeth, but now we can whiten out teeth while we’re chillin in our homes. Some of my favorite whitening products are actually just toothpaste but I do love use Crest whitening strips. My favorite toothpastes are: Tom’s activated charcoal toothpaste and Burt’s Bees purely white toothpaste.


Watch or create Tiktok videos - I’ve been having so much fun creating and honestly just watching Tiktok videos! They’re so much MORE than dancing and I highly recommend you join. Follow me over there and say hi!!

Learn a new recipe - Whether it’s a cocktail or cooking recipe, creating something new can be fun! Have you been pinning a ton of recipes on Pinterest lately? Well now is the time to get to baking or shaking, haha get it, shaking a cocktail shaker.. lol okay I’m done. Need some inspiration? Check out my food & drink board on Pinterest here.

Paint - Painting has always been a wonderful way for me to de-stress! Whether you’re an amazing painter or not there’s something for you! Have you ever heard of painting by number? It makes painting a masterpiece easy! Check out some of my favorites here.

Craft - Create something new or redo something old! DIY’s are so fun! Pinterest is the best place to find the coolest DIY’s. The other day I created the cutest succulent pot out of an old candle jar!

Have an at home photoshoot - You don’t have to be a photographer or influencer to have an in home photoshoot! I have numerous ideas of fun photoshoots to do indoors here. Let your creativity go WILD!

Color in an adult coloring book - Channel your inner kid and grab those crayons or markers and start to color! Here are some of my favorite adult color books from Amazon! I love coloring while listening to a podcast or even watching my favorite TV show!

Sew, Crochet, or knit - There are so many tutorial videos online on how to do all three of these! I learned to crochet when I was about 8 and loved making scarves and hats! Additionally, I grew up sewing and love getting my sewing machine out to make something new.

FaceTime/Zoom friends and family - This is such a wonderful time to catch up with family and friends. I’m so grateful for FaceTime/Zoom nowadays because we can be miles away from our loved ones but feel like we’re in the same room as them.

Do a puzzle - Puzzles are one of my favorite things to do to pass the time and then you can even frame it and put it on the wall.

Build something with Legos - Y’all, you’re never too old to play with legos! This is such a wonderful way to take up time and then you end up with an awesome lego creation!

Redecorate or rearrange your home decor - Andrew and I have definitely been doing this! It’s such a fun way to change up your house! Move some furniture around, move some photos to a different wall, or get online and purchase a new rug! I don’t know! hahaha. We moved one of our dressers from our bedroom to our front entrance to our apartment and it’s freed up so much space!

Play a video game - Andrew and I LOVE to play video games together or separately. I’ve been playing Animal Crossing lately and he’s been playing World of Warcraft and League of Legends. This is such a fun way to de-stress and also connect with other people because you can play with them online!

Plan a trip - While you’re stuck inside, don’t cry over your cancelled trips, plan new ones! This is also the time to buy tickets for. trips in the future because airlines are doing whatever they can to get money coming in, so fairs are extremely affordable.

Write a letter - Writing letters is one of my all time favorite things. I actually used to write hundreds of letters to my best friend in California when she moved back home from college. It’s just a more personal and fun way to communicate AND we fully believed it was an amazing way to de-stress!

Start a podcast - Have something to say? Love to talk and talk and talk? Are you an avid reviewer? Now would be a great time to start a podcast!

What have you been doing to stay busy? Follow me on Instagram for more updates.

Love Always,

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